Terms and Conditions


All students are required to follow the following code of conduct for the smooth running of the reterats. Although, everything will be re-explained during the orientation before the retreat and silence begin, but you may still prepare yourself beforehand for this sublime inner journey.


  • Silence at all times in Meditation Hall and Dining Hall during the retreat days.


  • This is not a course for the adventure seekers. Only those who have a sincere desire to learn meditation and integrate it with their lives can join.
  • While doing meditation, it is recommended to sit with spine straight.
  • While moving, see that the person sitting next to you does not get disturbed.
  • No lying down or sleeping during meditation sessions.
  • Do not wear strong perfumes or alarms.
  • Remain in the meditation room until the teacher has left.
  • For the Q/A sessions, write down the questions neatly and place them in the ‘Question’ box.


  • Attend all classes as each class contributes to the next.


  • Come at least five minutes before the meditation class begins.


  • Food is vegetarian and conducive to meditation.
  • Do not waste food as it is blessed and is given to the needy afterwards.
  • Do not bring any eatables and stick to our diet.


  • For drinking and brushing your teeth, use water from the RO filter that is installed next to the dining hall.
  • Do not waste water.
  • You may do your laundry during the course period. However, if you want, you may get it done at a very nominal price from an external source.


  • Use the dustbins – in the toilets also. Please do not throw toilet papers in the seats of the toilets.
  • Every time you leave the toilet and the bathroom, see that it is clean.
  • Keep your room tidy.


  • Light, comfortable and non-provocative clothes.


  • Do not use any intoxicants like cigarettes, alcohol and drugs etc. during the course period.


  • Ladies and Gents will be given separate accommodation.
  • It is a silent course, but in case of emergency, knock on the kitchen door.
  • For better concentration, the bladder should be empty and the bowels evacuated.
  • For safety, always keep your valuables and documents with you.
  • While leaving the room, see that it is properly locked. The Center is not responsible for any mishap.
  • One carrying the keys from the room may hang them on the hanger inside the Meditation Hall or Yoga Hall.
  • Do not bang the doors.
  • Particular care should be taken to switch off the lights and close the water taps before leaving the room.
  • Do not lean against railing.
  • Do not play music, sing or hum.
  • Bring your own torch, umbrella, alarm clock and necessary articles of daily use. You should not leave the Center during the course period.
  • If you suffer from any disease, please intimate in advance.
  • In case of indiscipline, you may be asked to leave the course.


  • The fee needs to be paid in advance and it is non-refundable. We want to ensure that only the willing and sincere students join the retreats. We don’t want to spoil the group energy in any way. Also, the seats are limited.


  • We expect all students to follow Covid appropriate behaviour as stipulated by the Govt. of India. Z Meditation Center will not be responsible for any mishappening due to Covid or any other medical conditions.

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Z Meditation
Welcome to Z Meditation.

The next Silent Z Meditation Retreats will happen in March at Z Meditation Centre, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Feel free to call or send a message for any queries. We will be glad to help you.